Monday, June 7, 2010

Couponing 101

So I am sure you are wondering, where do I even BEGIN to start? Well, I have the answers for you right here!


GET COUPONS! Where can you get them? Here is a list of places you can find them:

1. The Sunday Paper
~The standard rule is get 1 paper for each person in your household
~ Ask friends and family for their inserts

2. The Internet
~Here are some basic sites to get you started:
~ You can usually print 2 internet coupons per computer. If you want or need more than 2 internet can always borrow a friend or family members computer! :)

3. Store Coupons
~These can be in-ad coupons, found in weekly inserts. (ex. Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS)
~ These can also be in store coupons found in booklets in the actual store. (ex. Walgreens has coupon booklets in the front of their stores)
~These can also be printed online.
~Rite Aid (sign up for video values for Rite Aid printable coupons)



There are several different ways you can organize your coupons. Do what works best for you!

1. Coupon binder (my personal preference)
You'll need:
~a 3 ring binder
~dividers(at least 10)
~baseball card holders
Step 1:Make categories
~The categories I use are Snacks, Produce, Frozen, Meat, Quick Meals/Pasta, Drinks/Refrigerated, Dairy, Canned goods, Cleaning Supplies/Paper Items, Personal Care
Step 2:Clip your coupons and stick them in the baseball card holders
Step 3:Put in the appropriate categories.
Step 4: Celebrate! Your coupons are organized! Now you can never leave the house without your binder because you NEVER KNOW what deals you might find!

~Check out Saving Addiction's step by step instructions on how to make a stash box!

3. Filing System
~This could work for you if you don't like clipping coupons
Step 1: Clip the coupons you know that you will definitely be using.
Step 2: Keep the inserts
Step 3: Date each insert
Step 4: Buy an accordion style filing system
Step 5: Put the inserts into the filing system in order

Happy Couponing!


  1. Saving Addiction's and Stash box links are broken.

  2. Looks like internet coupon site links are too



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