Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Changes :)

Hey guys!

Let me just start out by saying this has been a fabulous year!  It has been a little over a year since Just a Clip Away started and I have met the most incredible people and created friendships that I believe will last a lifetime.  Blogging has been a fabulous way for me to share deals and my passion for couponing.

At the end of this month there are going to be some drastic changes.  I will no longer be blogging on here anymore.  I will be moving over to Kentucky Moms full time.  I will still be posting deals weekly (Rite Aid, Walgreens, and Kroger) and local deals as well.  I hope you move with me.  You can sign up for a FREE Kentucky Moms account here and find us on Facebook.  There are going to be some GREAT changes and additions to Kentucky Moms!

I am also trying to start a couponing ministry at my church.  I am working on getting free coupon classes started to teach my congregation how to get donation items for free and for cheap.  This class will support the various other outreach ministries at my church.

It is a bittersweet ending for me.  This blog is and always will be my baby.  A lot of blood(well not really), sweat, and tears has gone into making this a reality.  I have grown so much as a person just from doing this blog.  I know it sounds silly, but if feels good to share.  Now I will be expanding my wings and sharing and serving in other ways.

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading my blog, supporting, and encouraging me.  As we all know, it is much more than just deals. :)

I would like to have a "going away" party at the end of the month....but I need you help!  I would LOVE to have a huge giveaway for all of your guys at the end of the month.  If your business would like to donate something (a coupon, a free item, credit to your store etc.) please email me at justaclipaway@gmail.com.  I want to go out with a bang and thank all of my fabulous readers and fan for this incredible year.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sad to see your blog go. I'd be interested in doing the coupon class if you are able to get that started! Look forward to following you on Facebook and KY moms!



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